Cencin, A., Zanetti, M., Urso, T., & Crivellaro, A., 2021, Effects of an innovative densification process on mechanical and physical properties of beech and Norway spruce veneers, Journal of Wood Science, 67(1), 1-14.
Ionita M., and Nagavciuc V. 2021, Changes in drought features at European level over the last 120 years, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 21, 1685–1701
Ionita M., Diana E. Caldarescu, Nagavciuc V., 2021, Compound Hot and Dry Events in Europe: Variability and Large-Scale Drivers, Frontiers in Climate
Ionita M., and Nagavciuc, V., 2021, Extreme Floods in the Eastern Part of Europe: Large-Scale, drivers and Associated Impacts, Water, 13(8)
Nagavciuc V., Romulus H. Puscas, Cristea G.I., Voica C., Stelian R., Dana A. Magdas, Turcu I, Sava, T., Ilie, Ion, M., G., 2021, Isotopic and Elemental Content of Deep-Sea Sediments from the Black Sea. Preliminary Results, Analytical Letters 54 (1-2) 280-294
Mozzi, G., Romero, E., Martínez-Quezada, D. M., Hultine, K. R., Crivellaro, A. 2021, PEG infiltration: an alternative method to obtain thin sections of cacti tissues. IAWA Journal, 1, 1-5.
Ionita, M., Dima, M., Nagavciuc, V., Scholz, P., Lohmann, G., 2021, Past megadroughts in central Europe were longer, more severe and less warm than modern droughts, Nature Communications Earth & Environment 2, 61
Roibu, C. C., Ważny, T., Crivellaro, A., Mursa, A., Chiriloaei, F., Ştirbu, M. I., & Popa, I., 2021, The Suceava oak chronology: A new 804 years long tree-ring chronology bridging the gap between central and south Europe. Dendrochronologia.
Sander, L., Kirdyanov, A., Crivellaro, A., & Büntgen, U., 2021, Driftwood provides reliable chronological markers in Arctic coastal deposits, Geochronology, 3(1), 171-180.
Zhirnova, D. F., Belokopytova, L. V., Babushkina, E. A., Crivellaro, A., Vaganov, E. A., 2021, Earlywood structure of evergreen conifers near forest line is habitat driven but latewood depends on species and seasons, Trees, 35(2), 479-492.
Nagavciuc V., Kern Z., Ionita M., Hartl C., Konter O., Esper J., Popa I. 2020, Climate signals in carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of Pinus cembra tree-ring cellulose from the Călimani Mountains, Romania, International Journal of Climatology 40 (5) 2539-2556.
Crivellaro A., & Büntgen U., 2020, New evidence of thermally constrained plant cell wall lignification, Trends in plant science, 25(4), 322-324.
Crivellaro, A., & Ruffinatto, F. (2020). Il riconoscimento del legno per contrastare il commercio illegale: la situazione in Italia, Forest@-Journal of Silviculture and Forest Ecology, 17(1), 88.
Duduman, G.; Duduman, M.-L.; Avăcăriței, D.; Barnoaiea, I.; Barbu, C.-O.; Ciornei, I.; Clinovschi, F.; Coșofreț, V.C.; Cotos, M.-G.; Dănilă, G.; Dănilă, I.-C.; Drăgoi, M.; Flocea, M.-N.; Horodnic, S.-A.; Iacobescu, O.; Mazăre, G.C.; Măciucă, A.; Mursa, A.; Palaghianu, C.; Pohonțu, C.M.; Roibu, C.-C.; Savin, A.; Tomescu, C.V.; Scriban, R.-E. 2020, A Permanent Research Platform for Ecological Studies in Intact Temperate Mountainous Forests from Slătioara UNESCO Site and Its Surroundings, Romania. Forests, 11, 1004.
Ionita M., and Nagavciuc V, 2020, Forecasting low flow conditions months in advance through teleconnection patterns, with a special focus on summer 2018, Nature Scientific Reports 10
Nicolescu, V., Rédei, K., Vor, T. …Sfeclă, V., et al., 2020, A review of black walnut (Juglans nigra L.) ecology and management in Europe. Trees.
Ionita, V. Nagavciuc, R. Kumar and O. Rakovec, 2020, On the curious case of the recent decade, mid-spring precipitation deficit in central Europe, Climate and Atmospheric Science 3:49;
Piermattei, A., Crivellaro, A., Krusic, P. J., Esper, J., Vítek, P., Oppenheimer, C., … & Büntgen, U., 2020, A millennium-long ‘Blue Ring’chronology from the Spanish Pyrenees reveals severe ephemeral summer cooling after volcanic eruptions, Environmental Research Letters, 15(12), 124016.
Ionita M., Nagavciuc V., Guan B. 2020, Rivers in the sky, flooding on the ground: the role of atmospheric rivers in inland flooding in central Europe, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS), 24, 5125-5147,
Roibu, C.-C.; Sfeclă, V.; Mursa, A.; Ionita, M.; Nagavciuc, V.; Chiriloaei, F.; Leșan, I.; Popa, I. 2020, The Climatic Response of Tree Ring Width Components of Ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) and Common Oak (Quercus robur L.) from Eastern Europe, Forests, 11, 600.
Horodnic S.A., Roibu C.C., 2020, Collective growth patterns reveal the high growing potential of older silver fir trees in a primeval forest in Romania’s Southern Carpathians, Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici 48(2), 2020, pp. 1085-1099
Cotos, M-G.; Radu, I.; Roibu, C.C.; Cenușă R. 2019, Dinamica perturbărilor într-un arboret natural de fag din rezervația natural ”Făgetul Secular Humosu” aflat la limita estică a arealului European, Bucovina Forestieră (19.2):131-137.
Iacoban, C; Risca, IM; Roibu, C; Ciornea, ET; Necula, R; Ilieva, D; Sandu, I; Drochioiu, G, 2019, Tarnita Polluted Area: Accumulation of Heavy Metals and Nutrients from the Soil by Woody Species, REVISTA DE CHIMIE, 70 (3), 753-758.
Mihaila, D; Briciu, AE; Roibu, CC; Bistricean, PI, 2019, Restricting Climatic Conditions on The Eastern Distribution Limit of European Beech (Fagus Sylvatica) In North-Eastern Romania for The March – June Interval, PRESENT ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, 13 (2), 17-42.
Nagavciuc, V., Roibu, C.-C., Ionita, M., Mursa, A., Cotos, M.-G. & Popa, I., 2019, Different climate response of three tree ring proxies of Pinus sylvestris from the Eastern Carpathians, Romania. Dendrochronologia, 54, 56-63.
Nagavciuc V., Ioniță M., Perșoiu A., Popa I., Loader N.J., McCarroll D., 2019, Stable oxygen isotopes in Romanian oak tree rings record summer droughts and associated large-scale circulation patterns over Europe, Climate Dynamics, 52:6557-6568.
Nagavciuc V., Bădăluță C A, Ionita M.,2019, Tracing the interactions between precipitation and river water in the Northern Carpathian Mountains Base on the evaluation of water isotope data, Geosciences 9(5), 198;
Nagavciuc V., Kern Z., Perșoiu A., Dóra K., Popa I., 2018, Aerial decay influence on the stable oxygen and carbon isotope ratios in tree ring cellulose, 2018, Dendrochronologia, 49, 110-117,
Bosela, M; Lukac, M; Castagneri, D; Sedmak, R; Biber, P; Carrer, M; Konopka, B; Nola, P; Nagel, TA; Popa, I; Roibu, CC; Svoboda, M; Trotsiuk, V; Buntgen, U, 2018, Contrasting effects of environmental change on the radial growth of co-occurring beech and fir trees across Europe, Science Of The Total Environment, 615, 1460-1469
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Horodnic, S.A., Roibu, C.C., 2018, A Gaussian multi-component model for the tree diameter distribution in old-growth forests, European Journal of Forest Research, 137 (2), 185-196
Știrbu, M.I., Roibu, C.C., Mursa, A., Cotos, M.G., 2018, Strategii de creștere ale pinului silvestru (Pinus sylvestris L.) cuantificate prin tehnici de anatomia lemnului, UASM, Moldova, Lucrări Științifice 47
Roibu, C-C; Popa, I; Kirchhefer, AJ; Palaghianu, C, 2017, Growth responses to climate in a tree-ring network of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) from the eastern limit of its natural distribution area, Dendrochronologia, 42,104-116
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